Location: Lake Bronson State Park, eastern fishing pier

Managed by: MN DNR

Management Address

3793 230th ST
Lake Bronson MN 56734

Lake Bronson State Park offers visitors various types of recreational opportunities that one would expect within a State Park. The Park is situated in an area that includes both woods and prairies. Two fishing piers are located within the Park one with limited accessibility and the other almost totally inaccessible if you have a mobility disability. Visitors will need a day pass or seasonal park pass in order to access the Park. Minnesota does offer many sub-groups of people with disabilities reduced rates so visitors with disabilities should review the following to see if you fit into one of the categories and if you do how to make application to see if you are eligible to get a permit, https://www.dnr.state.mn.us/accessible_outdoors/parks/index.html . Persons with a Federal Access Pass may show the park attendant the Pass for a reduced rate, https://www.nps.gov/planyourvisit/passes.htm#CP_JUMP_5088581 .


This review is providing information on the fishing pier located east of the main entrance gate by the visitors’ center.  This pier is not accessible to any person with a mobility impairment which limits their ability to travel on an earthen trail up a hill, down the other side to a stairway which leads to the fishing pier.  It is one of the most challenging piers listed within this site.  Prospective visitors are asked to review the pictures to assess if they would be able to navigate the obstacles.  The fishing pier itself is like so many older piers in Minnesota in that it was built like a child’s play pen, where the perceived safety of the fisher person with a disability outweighed a broad number of people with disabilities able to reach the water and fish in relative comfort due to the high rail, limited access points from which to fish and narrow cut outs.  Optionsoutdoors offers this information so you can evaluate the accessibility to judge for yourself if it would be usable based on your or a loved one’s disability. 

Location Info » For directions, click the marker in the map. »

The closest city to the Park is Lake Bronson located on hwy 59 going north/south. To go to the entrance of the Park follow Cnty Rd 28 for a couple miles to park entrance. Sings are located along the route.


The park is surrounded by many small communities the closest being Lake Bronson. Due to the parks close location the community of Lake Park has developed various stores catering to the parks visitors. The closest larger communities which will have larger big box stores will be Roseau and Thief River Falls.


Lake Bronson has lodging as well as Hallock, Roeau, and Thief River Falls, Minnesota. Potential users are cautioned to call first to insure that the level of access will meet their needs. The closest community Lake Bronson has a motel with very limited access.