East Grand Forks MN 56721
East Grand Forks in collaboration with Minnesota Department of Resources took a historic bank fishing spot used by residents and developed it for people with mobility impairments in order for them to access the river. The Red River boasts more than 70 species of fish including some of North America’s finest game fish. The Red River offers excellent fishing opportunities for channel catfish, walleye, northern pike, and some lesser known fish. Most fishing is done with natural baits such as worms, minnows, leeches, or prepared baits—all fished on or near the bottom, the "dropper" rig and the sliding sinker rig. (While unlawful in most Minnesota waters, two hooks are permitted on Minnesota and North Dakota border waters.) In the United States, the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources and the North Dakota Game and Fish Department cooperatively manage the Red River and its tributaries. The two agencies have a long history of working together on its management. Management focuses on promoting healthy fish populations and sustainable angling opportunities through active fish monitoring programs and habitat protection. Information on river fish populations, habitat, angling trends and harvest is collected every five to ten years through intensive sampling and creel surveys. General fishing information can be accessed through either of the two departments' web sites.
This spot offers anglers the ability to bank fish from an elevated position. Users will need to bring a long handled net in order to land the fish they hook or have line and tackle strong enough to suspend fish up to the fishing bank area. There is no safety rail or guard so people are cautioned to use care so they do not roll off the edge. The accessible route is easy to use until you get to the fishing area, persons are cautioned that the spot maybe virtually impossible to use if wet due to mud. The accessible route currently ends prior to the fishing area where the slope is greater than 1/12 and the cross slope at the site will make it very uncomfortable for people that use wheelchairs and have little abdominal control. The parking area is located a distance from this site so be prepared to spend a little time getting your belongings to the site. In addition there may not be any seating or what is there may not be positioned the way a person would like so you may want to bring a chair. It is suggested that anglers keep the bait just above the bottom. The sliding sinker rig, which keeps the bait closer to the bottom, works especially well for channel catfish, carp, and freshwater drum. The current is very fast so anglers will also need a heavy weight to hold the bait in the current and cast some 30 degrees up river so that the weight settles in at the spot the angler would like to rest at.
Some of the text information and the picture (see above) showing how to set up your fishing rigs is taken from a Brochure printed by the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (2002) "Fishing on the Red River of the North" and can be accessed in its entirety through this link files.dnr.state.mn.us/areas/fisheries/baudette/redfishing.pdf
This site is located on the north side of the intersection of 12 St NW and River Road, across from the parking area for River Heights Park.
The Grand Cities offers people all the major amenities. Bait can be purchased at either Cabala's in East Grand Forks or Home of Economy located in Grand Forks, ND.
Through out Grand Forks and East Grand Forks.