200 Ash Ave NW
Cass Lake MN 56633
“The Forest offers 21 developed campgrounds, 100 back-country campsites, 298 miles of non-motorized trails, 160 miles of hiking trails, and 20 miles of horse trails. There are 380 miles of motorized trails providing access for snowmobilers to frozen lakes and scenic woodlands. Over 1300 lakes, including three of Minnesota’s largest, provide water-oriented recreation. The Norway Beach, Cut Foot Sioux, and Edge of the Wilderness Visitor Centers are open throughout the summer and offer information and interpretive programs. The Forest boundary encompasses about 1.6 million acres, with over 660,000 acres managed by the Chippewa National Forest. The remaining lands are state, county, tribal, and private. The Leech Lake Indian Reservation is also within the Forest boundary. The forest supervisor’s office is located in Cass Lake, Minn., with district offices in Blackduck, Deer River and Walker.” As reported by https://www.fs.usda.gov/main/chippewa/about-forest
Located on a road that is reminiscent of a logging trail this fishing pier is located off the beaten path. Winding its way past small lakes it brings travelers to a boat ramp and fishing pier located on Benjamin Lake, if you choose you can also take the road farther to a historic CCC Camp. The main marker from Cnty Hwy 39, referred to as the “Scenic Highway,” travelers can see a large marker directing travelers to the CCC Camp it is at this point you turn to get to the fishing pier. As you travel down the road the pier is visible from the roadway with parking located on the opposite side. If you look at the first picture above the view is from the parking area looking across the roadway to the lake. The next picture is from the roadway showing the switchback ramp that leads to the pier stretching over the lake. The pier is a “T” shaped one with a wooden railing that is cut down for easier fishing.
This pier will require the visitor to park then cross the roadway to get to the pier. Surfaces are fairly rough and sandy making the approach to the ramp a challenge in dry conditions, users are cautioned if it has been rainy prior to your visit. There is no designated accessible parking, the parking is primitive. If you use a lift equipped van park in an area where another user will not block you access to your van and lift. The area in which this pier is located like others shown in Northern Minnesota is remote, it is recommended the user make sure people know where you are going, when you will be back, and to insure you get back. It is questionable if your cell phone will have enough signal to call for help if you have a problem and the area is not well traveled by others.
The lake is over 100 feet deep and has been stocked with Rainbow Trout. It also has some sunfish as well as northern pike. The lake is usually stocked with trout in the fall by the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources. The railing height is a little high so users will need a long handled landing net to land fish. The ramp seems older and where one ramp section connects to another the transition is sometimes not as lined up as it could be. Additionally, the aluminum transition plate from the dock to the ramp is not lying flat on the boardwalk, see picture above. People visiting this site may need assistance when getting to the fishing area. The pier has no seating available so persons may want to bring a chair. The area around the pier has lily pads and a sandy bottom.
From Bemidji, go to Blackduck on Hwy 71, then go 6 mi S on Hwy 39 (Scenic Hwy). Pier is on the west side of the road, near the historic CCC Campsite.
Bemidji is the closest large community offering big box shopping while area smaller communities and villages offering smaller store shopping. Blackduck is the closest town.
The area surrounding this pier is dotted by many resorts, motels, hotels, and camp grounds offering many types of accommodations.